
Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Envy's Billy discusses Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing

Q4 is Upon Us – Where are your marketing leads?

At Marketing Envy we're here to help. Get in touch and don't panic.

Avoiding Spam on LinkedIn

Okay, hands up who likes spam? Not me. Not anybody, not anybody I know.

Webinars are here to stay

We'd all like to see the back of webinars, they suck. But I'm afraid they're here to stay.

Outsource Your Weakness!

Every marketer has a weakness and it's easy to outsource that weakness to a marketing agency. Billy Cina tells it to you straight. It could be in PPC, Inbound, Marketing Operations. That is what you need to outsource to an agency. Keep your strengths in house and take your weaknesses out of the house.

What kind of content should I create?

Sharon Seemann of YL Ventures tells you what kind of content you should create

What material should you use for top of the funnel content?

Top of the funnel, we want to create stuff like videos, videos that generate excitement, cool things that will get people to watch.

Panel Discussion with Barry Spielman of Sixgill and Kate Shoper of Kryon

Panel Discussion with Barry Spielman of Sixgill and Kate Shoper of Kryon

Setting Up That Winning Webinar

Setting Up That Winning Webinar: Before, During, And After. Amit Lavi, Marketing Envy. Event in partnership with BrightTALK