Strat & Messaging

B2B in 2021 – Enough Rope To Hang Yourself With

So I claim that 2021 has provided B2B marketers with enough marketing budget to basically hang themselves with, in a good and in a not so good way.

Michael Yehoshua shares B2B Marketing Gems

Michael Yehoshua, SCADAfence talks shares 3 B2B Marketing Gems to keep for 2021 and which 3 to drop.

Adi Gazit Blecher shares B2B Marketing Gems

Adi Gazit Blecher, Checkmarx talks about her success, and shares 3 B2B Marketing Gems to adopt and which 3 to drop.

Mourning the loss of a client

Today's video is kind of somber, and kind of serious. And the reason is because I'm in a bit of a mourning period, pretty extreme, you might say.

Success Indicators of B2B Marketing Campaigns

Marketing KPIs aside, there are plenty of other metrics to indicate whether your marketing is headed in the right direction. Billy Cina reveals all.

b2b marketing campaigns

Why Do We Have a 3 month Rule for B2B Marketing Campaigns?

The golden 3 month minimum rule for a B2B campaign, why does it exist? For setting expectations!

Cyber Security PPC Benchmarks Report 2021

CPL has increased by how much??? Get the Cyber Security PPC Benchmark report for vital insights to see if you're on the right track with your campaign ROI.

Is it time to stop talking about ABM?

We don't think so. Hear what one of Marketing Envy's Managing Partners has to say.

How to use online channels the right way

You have a serious issue marketer, you're obsessed with attribution. The sad fact is less than 50% of your traffic is measurable and it's getting worse. Instead of focusing on which channel brought you leads and opportunities you should be focusing on correlation. Amit Lavi explains.

Enough about us. What about you?

While our website is intended to provide a little light entertainment, we do take our work and your company’s success VERY seriously. We’re in the trenches fighting the good fight with B2B tech companies every day.

You in? Let’s talk.