PPC Lead

Here’s how much you need to run B2B PPC campaigns

We answer the never-ending question about the campaign budget.

The golden 3 month minimum rule for a B2B campaign

When do you know your campaign's successful or not?

Different campaign = different set of KPIs

Here's how you define success of brand awareness vs. lead gen campaigns.

Why correlations will tell you more than marketing attribution…

With dark social and first party data regulations in place, it's time to look beyond marketing attribution.

Selim Cemal, Envy's PPC Manager

Why we love running Competitor Campaigns

Someone's looking for your competitor's product, but you think yours is better? Here's how you convince them.

You're paying how much for your SQLs?

You’re paying how much for your SQLs?

When paid spend goes up, but number of leads continues to lay flat, you know it's time for the Envy Audit.

Build better campaigns with The Envy Audit

Build better campaigns with The Envy Audit

Expensive SQLs, leads nowhere near your ICP, high CPA, low CTR, weak CTA, and whatever happened to your USP?!

Envy B2B Marketing & RevOps Agency

A B2B marketing agency that actually does it all? Look no further.

cybersecurity ppc benchmarks

2023 Cyber Security PPC Benchmarks Report

Cyber Security PPC SQLs from LinkedIn and Google for how much? All is revealed in the latest Cyber Security PPC benchmarks report.