
Ran Shemesh, Envy's RevOps Consultant

HubSpot AI’s here to make your life easier as a B2B marketer

AKA how we save time and sanity when building reports, writing blogs, optimizing SEo and so much more...

Billy and Idan staring into a laptop

The Envy Way of reporting

This is what happens when your report is not built The Envy Way...

The Complete Customer Experience

The Complete Customer Experience

The Role of a CMO

When you think about the evolution of marketing operations, it's helpful to use the metaphor of ships.

Automated Leads

Ever tried cleaning up you contact list manually. It's prone to mistakes, takes forever and is extremely tedious.

Best things about the HubSpot Ops hub

Why we love Hubspot's operations hub

Why HubSpot?

Why do we use HubSpot? HubSpot enables to execute and report from one place and marketing and sales are also able to align.

Marketing Contact List Clean Up Automation

Ever tried cleaning up you contact list manually. It's prone to mistakes, takes forever and is extremely tedious.