
The golden 3 month minimum rule for a B2B campaign

When do you know your campaign's successful or not?

Different campaign = different set of KPIs

Here's how you define success of brand awareness vs. lead gen campaigns.

Why correlations will tell you more than marketing attribution…

With dark social and first party data regulations in place, it's time to look beyond marketing attribution.

QBR report template

CMOs rejoice. Envy’s QBR report template will save you time and headache in presenting marketing’s achievements to management.

Ronit discusses 5 reasons why you shouldn't audit your marketing and revops

5 reasons why you shouldn’t be auditing your marketing & RevOps

Wondering if you should audit your processes and workflows? Don't.

Ronit, Idan and Billy discussing auditing B2B marketing and RevOps

Introducing the Envy Way of auditing your B2B Marketing & RevOps

Power up your B2B marketing strategies and RevOps processes with the Envy Audit.

Why Hiring a Marketing Agency is Cheaper Than In-House

Myth - Marketing agencies are more expensive than hiring an in-house marketing team. Learn more.

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While our website is intended to provide a little light entertainment, we do take our work and your company’s success VERY seriously. We’re in the trenches fighting the good fight with B2B tech companies every day.

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